Desktop products
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XDESK XTView SysTrayX XFilesDialog EarthSunX Downloads Translations Register FAQ
New registered users get a FREE 12 months subscription (which means FREE updates and FREE technical support)! A subscription does not mean that the program will expire at a certain time - SINCE OUR REGISTERED VERSIONS WILL NEVER EXPIRE - it only means that long-time upgrades and support will always be available for our registered users at a discounted price!!!
Depending on volume and reseller (and possibly exchange ratios) the prices (not including your VAT / sales tax - which is specific to each buyer) are in the range of 8-20 EUR (each license) for separate programs up to 20-45 EUR for the bundle with all of them together.
Click below to register on-line - the registered versions are delivered by email so you will not have to wait a lot!
less time will not give you enough experience with the programs (and remember that we do never issue refunds when the user has not first tested if the shareware
version fits his needs) while more time will increase the risk that the shareware versions will expire (and believe us, our products are ADDICTIVE :)
2. In order to register you
MUST be able to receive email attachments! (a ZIP containing an EXE - which is your personalized setup file). Also your email
should simply work - we can not accept emails that require us to click on links, "challenges" or "puzzles"!!! We also can not
investigate why your email does not work in certain conditions - please solve those problems with your ISP before ordering!
3. FREE / ANONYMOUS email accounts are not allowed
at this moment for credit-card (or similar) orders!
REGISTRATIONS - MyCommerce (formerly Share-it) |
Cologne, Germany
Tel: +49-221-31088-20 Fax: +49-221-31088-29 |
Greensburg, PA, USA
Tel: 1-800-903-4152 Fax: (724) 850-8187 |
XTView | XDESK | SysTrayX | XFilesDialog | EarthSunX |
Secure order | Secure order | Secure order | Secure order | Secure order |
GET BETTER PRICES WITH OUR BUNDLES - for instance with our Desktop-enhancing Utilities suite you can get XTView + XDESK + SysTrayX + XFilesDialog + EarthSunX with an important discount!!! Actually Desktop-enhancing Utilities will cost LESS than buying XDESK and one of SysTrayX or XFilesDialog (so you will get all the other products for free), not to mention that the Desktop-enhancing Utilities subscription also has a much better price!
Desktop-enhancing Utilities | XTView + XFilesDialog | XDESK + SysTrayX | XDESK + XFilesDialog | SysTrayX + XFilesDialog |
Secure order | Secure order | Secure order | Secure order | Secure order |
Our registered products will never expire, but if you want the latest version or the best support after the initial 12 months then a subscription is what you need!!!
Subscriptions are ONLY available for EXISTING customers of the CORRESPONDING product (and your existing serial number will be required on the order form!!!) but the price has a good discount since it is for 24 months! (however the months are counted since your previous subscription ended, so it does not matter when you extend your subscription).