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Vista Flip3D is a nice feature and the 3D part is impressive but once you get past the eye-candy XDESK TileView/TopView can be A LOT BETTER - and here are some images to prove it!
This first image is the original desktop - just 4 applications that you can see on the TaskBar, with Winamp as the active one - and already
in the first capture you can see that Vista is missing something since the thumbnail for Winamp is not looking at all as the actual image from
the screen!!!
Underneath Winamp you can also see Mozilla Firefox with an file-open dialog - probably you don't use it like that very often but
it was just shown as a very simple example of an application with a MODAL dialog activated ... it could have been Internet Explorer or
any other window with a modal dialog/popup!
(you can also click on the picture in order to see the original 1680 * 1050 image, but that one is obviously bigger).
This second image is the Flip3D screenshot - the 4 applications from above plus the desktop itself, again with Winamp as the active one - and
now you can be certain that something is incomplete in Vista Flip3D since the top layer is not quite similar with the original Winamp window!!!
The second layer is Mozilla Firefox but WITHOUT the MODAL dialog activated...
(you can also click on the picture in order to see the original 1680 * 1050 image, but that one is obviously bigger).
And now how things look in XDESK TileView/TopView:
- Winamp has the right look and you can now recognize and switch to it :)
- the modal dialog in Firefox is also visible - this might seem as a small thing but with other applications
the modal window might become LOST and the main window will appear LOCKED until you dismiss the modal window!!!
It is also worth noting that the actual size of the 'captures' are rather similar in this example for the top layer, but with
XDESK TileView/TopView you get maximum use of the screen area, while with Flip3D the already small layers are
overlapped and you actually get a LOT LESS usable information!
XDESK TileView/TopView is also A LOT easier to use with the mouse than Flip3D and slightly better from the
keyboard; it can also provide extra information.
(you can also click on the picture in order to see the original 1680 * 1050 image, but that one is obviously bigger).